

(1) EARの規制対象となる5品目



(a) Except for items excluded in paragraph (b) of this section,

  the following items are subject to the EAR: 



734.3(a) (1) All items in the United States, including in a U.S. Foreign Trade Zone or moving in transit through the United States from one foreign country to another;




②すべての米国原産品目 (貨物、ソフトウエア、技術)の再輸出規制

734.3(a) (2) All U.S. origin items wherever located


米国から輸入した米国原産品ではないものを、日本から第三国に輸出する場合はEARの再輸出規制の対象外。(米国からの輸出時は "米国内にあるすべての物品として" 734.3(a)によりEARの対象となるが、米国から輸入した米国原産品ではないものを、日本から第三国に輸出する場合はEARの再輸出規制の対象外。)



734.3(a) (3) Foreign-made commodities that incorporate controlled U.S.-origin commodities, foreign made commodities that are ‘bundled’ with controlled U.S.-origin software, foreign-made software that is commingled with controlled U.S.-origin software, and foreign-made technology that is commingled with controlled U.S.-origin technology: 


  • 米国原産の規制対象物をincorpoarteして米国以外で作った製品
  • 米国原産の規制対象ソフトウエアをbundleして米国以外で作った製品
  • 米国原産の規制対象ソフトウエアとcommingledして米国以外で作ったソフト
  • 米国原産の規制対象技術とcommingledして米国以外で作った技術



(例外) デミニミス・ルール

EAR 736.2 GENERAL PROHIBITIONS の(b)(2)  "(2) General Prohibition Two - Reexport and export from abroad of foreign-made items incorporating more than a de minimis amount of controlled U.S. content (U.S. Content Reexports). "  


④ 米国技術やソフトを利用して米国外で作られた直接製品の再輸出規制

734.3(a) (4) Certain foreign-produced “direct products” of specified “technology” and “software,” as described in § 736.2(b)(3) <一般禁止事項 3>of the EAR; and 






⑤ 米国技術やソフトを利用した米国外のプラントで作られた直接製品の再輸出規制

734.3(a) (5) Certain foreign-produced “direct products” of a complete plant or any major component of a plant as described in § 736.2(b)(3) <一般禁止事項 3>of the EAR. 


(参考)  一般禁止事項 3

一般禁止事項 3では、米国から導入した技術に基づいて米国外で製造された「直接製品」の無許可輸出・再輸出はできないとしている。


736.2(b)(3) General Prohibition Three— Foreign direct product (FDP) rules. —

(i) You may not, without a license or license exception, export from abroad, reexport, or transfer (in-country) foreign-“direct products” subject to the EAR pursuant to § 734.9 if such items are subject to a license requirement in part 736, 742, 744, 746, or 764 of the EAR.

(ii) Each license exception described in part 740 of the EAR supersedes General Prohibition Three if all terms and conditions of a given license exception are met and none of the restrictions of §§ 740.2 or 744.11(a) apply.


 「直接製品」については、734.9 で定められている。




Foreign-produced items located outside the United States are subject to the EAR when they

are a “direct product” of specified “technology” or “software,” or are produced by a plant or

‘major component’ of a plant that itself is a “direct product” of specified “technology” or “software.”


(a) Definitions


Major Component: A major component of a plant located outside the United States means

“equipment” that is essential to the “production” of an item, including testing “equipment.”


(b) National Security FDP rule 

A foreign-produced item is subject to the EAR if it meets both the product scope in paragraph

(b)(1) of this section and the country scope in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

米国外製直接製品が 下記(1)のProduct Scopeと下記(2)のカントリースコープに当てはまる場合、EARの対象となる。


(1) Product scope of National Security FDP rule.

The product scope applies if a foreign produced item meets the conditions of either paragraph (b)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section.


(i) “Direct product” of “technology” or “software.”

A foreign-produced item meets the product scope of this paragraph if it meets both of the following conditions:

(A) The foreign-produced item is the “direct product” of U.S.-origin “technology” or “software” that requires a written assurance as a supporting document for a license, as defined in paragraph (o)(3)(i) of supplement no. 2 to part 748 of the EAR, or as a precondition for the use of License Exception TSR at §740.6 of the EAR; and

(B) The foreign-produced item is subject to national security controls as designated in the applicable ECCN of the Commerce Control List in part 774 of the EAR.



(ii) “Direct product” of a complete plant or ‘major component’ of a plant.

A foreign produced item meets the product scope of this paragraph if it meets both of the following conditions:

(A) The foreign-produced item is a “direct product” of a complete plant or ‘major component’ of a plant that itself is the “direct product” of U.S.-origin “technology” that requires a written assurance as a supporting document for a license or as a precondition for the use of License Exception TSR in §740.6 of the EAR; and

(B) The foreign-produced item is subject to national security controls as designated on the applicable ECCN of the Commerce Control List at part 774 of the EAR.



(2) Country scope of National Security FDP rule.

A foreign-produced item meets the country scope of this paragraph if its destination is listed in Country Group D:1, E:1, or E:2 (See supplement no.1 to part 740 of the EAR).


D1  National Security: アルメニア、アゼルバイジャン、ベラルーシ、ミャンマー、カンボジア、中国、ジョージア、イラク、カザフスタン、北朝鮮、キルギスタン、ラオス、リビア、マカオ、モルドバ、モンゴル、ロシア、タジキスタン、トルクメニスタン、ウズベキスタン、ベネズエラ、ベトナム、イエメン

E1 テロ支援国:イラン、北朝鮮、シリア

E2 禁輸国:キューバ



(c) 9x515 FDP rule

(d) “600 series” FDP rule

(e) Entity List FDP rule

(f) Russia FDP rule

(g) Russia-Military End User FDP rule



(2) EARの対象とならないもの


§ 734.3 (b)  The following are not subject to the EAR: 


(1) Items that are exclusively controlled for export or reexport by the following departments

and agencies of the U.S. Government which regulate exports or reexports for national security

or foreign policy purposes:

 (i) Department of State.

 (ii) Treasury Department, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). 

 (iii) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 



・財務省(Department of Treasury)  海外資産管理局 OFAC(オファック : Office of Foreign Assets Control)は、イラン、キューバ、スーダン等との取引を規制している。



(2) Prerecorded phonograph records reproducing in whole or in part, the content of printed books,

pamphlets, and miscellaneous publications, including newspapers and periodicals; printed books, pamphlets, and miscellaneous publications including bound newspapers and periodicals; children's picture and painting books; newspaper and periodicals, unbound, excluding waste; music books; sheet music; calendars and calendar blocks, paper; maps, hydrographical charts, atlases, gazetteers, globe covers, and globes (terrestrial and celestial); exposed and developed microfilm reproducing, in whole or in part, the content of any of the above; exposed and developed motion picture film and soundtrack; and advertising printed matter exclusively related thereto. 


(3) Information and “software” that:

(i) Are published, as described in § 734.7;

(ii) Arise during, or result from, fundamental research, as described in § 734.8;

(iii) Are released by instruction in a catalog course or associated teaching laboratory of an

academic institution;

(iv) Appear in patents or open (published) patent applications available from or at any patent office, unless covered by an invention secrecy order, or are otherwise patent information as described in § 734.10; 米国特許情報は公知の技術であり、 EAR の規制対象とはならない。米国特許に基づいて米国外で製造された製品は EAR 規制対象(直接製品)には該当しない。

(v) Are non-proprietary system descriptions; or

(vi) Are telemetry data as defined in Note 2 to Category 9, Product Group E (see Supplement No. 1 to part 774 of the EAR). NOTE TO PARAGRAPHS (b)(2) AND (b)(3): A printed book or other printed material setting forth encryption source code is not itself subject to the EAR (see § 734.3(b)(2)).

However, notwithstanding § 734.3(b)(2), encryption source code in electronic form or media (e.g., computer diskette or CD ROM) remains subject to the EAR (see § 734.17)).

Publicly available encryption object code “software” classified under ECCN 5D002 is not subject to the EAR when the corresponding source code meets the criteria specified in § 742.15(b) of the EAR. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(3): Except as set forth in part 760 of this title, information that is not within the scope of the definition of “technology” (see § 772.1 of the EAR) is not subject to the EAR.